1600 Calorie Diet Plan That Works
The zero size is in and has become a rage in the younger generation. Most celebrities and models look so thin as if they have been starving themselves for months. Despite their anorexic looks, youngsters look up to them as their role models. They believe that they are too fat and go for fad diets to get rid of body flab. Many youngsters these days even go for surgical procedures to become thin. Diet pills have also become very common lately as people continue to consume them to reduce weight without exercising. However all these methods are wrong and can harm your body in some way or the other. The only safe way of becoming thin is to eat the right foods in the right proportions. You can follow a healthy 1600-calorie diet plan to lose weight slowly but permanently. Any weight loss program that guarantees you five to ten pounds weight loss in a couple of weeks could be just a scam. Even if you do lose weight with such a program, you are bound to regain it in no time. So, why go fo...