
Showing posts from July, 2020

Minerals for Hair Health - Not Many People Realise These Little Known Facts

While most people are now aware how important vitamins are for general health, many people are less aware of the importance of minerals. This is particularly so when considering the minerals that are needed for the healthy growth and condition of your hair. If you are concerned with premature hair loss, thinning or falling hair, you should find food for thought in this short article. Below is a list of the minerals recommended as important to maintain a healthy head of hair, and reduce the risk of hair loss and thinning hair. I compiled it while I was training to qualify as a nutritionist, and since then have added to it from further research on the Internet. Selenium Silica Iodine Iron Copper Calcium Magnesium Chromium Sulphur Potassium Manganese Some of these minerals work together with other minerals (synergistic relationships), and some pairs are antagonistic; so maintaining the correct relative balance is important  indian food to lower creatinine level ,. Yes - vitamins are i...

The Best of Indian Foods

India is a big Asian country made up of different cities. Its food is as diverse as its many cities. The Indian cuisine is categorized into four categories namely the North Indian, East Indian, South Indian and West Indian cuisines. Indian recipes and cooking always involves wide range of spices and herbs. These usually add or enhance the flavors during preparation. They also create aromatic flavors that Indians love. Most recipes are from the vegetables that grown around them. Indian foods show the rich agricultural products of India. Other factors that affect cooking are the religious beliefs and culture of the locals. It is also largely influenced by other foods across Asia. In the same way, their foods have also influenced other cooking traditions across the world. Indian foods are distinctly flavorful because of the generous use of spices and herbs. Of course their recipes will also involve their unique vegetables found only in their country  compare roti and brown rice . Ther...

What Foods Are Best For Weight Loss?

I am going to show you what foods are best for weight loss in the next few minutes. By the end of the article I hope you have a better understanding of the top fat busting foods. I will start of with some actual fat burning foods for natural weight loss, as in the type that can raise your metabolism and burn more fat  green tea lose weight 2 weeks . So lets dive right into the list of fat burning foods: Hot Peppers (the like of cayenne peppers and jalapenos) Green Tea Fish Oil Hot Peppers: can slightly raise your metabolism due to something called capsaic, which is inside hot peppers. Now you should note that I used the word 'slightly', so do not expect any weight loss miracles here. But every little helps, right? Green Tea: is another food (well drink actually) that can raise your metabolism to help burn more calories. As with the hot peppers, you get a slight increase but nothing that will have the fat melting of you. You need around 3-4 cups of green tea to get any effect of...

The Psychology of Food Cravings and Emotional Eating

Why Do We Have Food Cravings? One important factor which may influence appetite control is the notion of food cravings. This overwhelming urge to consume a particular food appears strong in overweight dieters, and many theories has posited why this is so. The nutritional and homeostatic role of food cravings is described by physiological theories and explains why cravings might be more present in people who are deprived of food. The psychoactive abilities of certain foods to trigger cravings are likened to a self-medication behaviour and thought to relieve a central serotonin deficits. Psychological theories stress the role of negatives emotions (e.g. anger) as triggers for cravings and learning theories claim that cravings are a positive learnt response to cues (sensory, situational) and giving into a craving results in a pleasurable consequence. What is evident here is that food cravings are a multi-dimensional and complex occurrence, one which possibly involves aspects of all of the...

Super Health Through Raw Foods

The Greek doctor Hippocrates, considered to be the founder of modern medicine, uttered the famous words, "Let food be thy medicine." How far we have fallen from his wisdom! First, let it be made clear that nothing, no outside object, "cures" or "heals" the body. The body always heals itself, and it alone has the wisdom to do so. As French philosopher Voltaire (1694-1778) once observed, "The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." But in order for nature to do the healing, it must be aided by the right nutrients, or building blocks. Thousands of modern-day people have enabled their bodies to heal themselves from all kinds of degenerative diseases using raw food diets, describing their journeys to health and full recovery from cancer, diabetes, heart disease, AIDS and other ailments  signs of recovery from jaundice . A number of doctors have recognized the therapeutic value of raw diets in treating a host of...
The South Beach diet contains three stages. For the essential fourteen days, you are not permitted to eat bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, warmed things, trademark things, sugar, or gobble up liquor. At the going with level, starches have joined a smidgen at once, at any rate, it is beginning in the generally ongoing past noteworthy that weight rot proceeds. In the third stage, when the objective concerning body weight has been reached, sugars are joined at the person's decision. In this way, see underneath south beach diet side effects. South Beach Diet Side Effects: The South Beach Diet was made in the mid-1990s by Dr. Arthur Agatston, a Florida-based cardiologist. His work in coronary defilement looks at incited the headway of the Agatston score, which checks the degree of calcium in the coronary deftly courses. There are various reactions toward the south coastline diet. See these south beach diet signs underneath… Bloating: Bloating is one of the south beach diet responses. The p...

Which Are The Foods To Avoid In Raw Vegan Diet?

These days eating raw food has become one of the most popular diet trends. Then, whether it is to lose weight or to stay fit, most people like to eat raw things because they feel that it is high in fiber and nutrients and calories are low. But Ayurveda does not believe so. According to Ayurveda, some raw foods should not be eaten, the reason behind going here. So, see below the foods to avoid in raw vegan diet... Foods To Avoid In Raw Vegan Diet: White bread: Bread does not need to be completely cut from your diet, although try it with low-carb bread only. 8 grams of pure carb per serving. Pasta: Like white bread, regular pasta is another high carb food that will not easily fit into a low carb diet. Sugar-rich foods with sauce: Tomato sauce often contains a lot of sugar, not only because of the tomatoes but also because of the added sugar foods to avoid in raw vegan diet . Cookies, Candies, and Cakes: Eating these sugar-laden laddus will not make it easier to stay on your low carb diet...

Best Foods For Jaundice Recovery

Jaundice increases the amount of bilirubin in the blood. Treatment of jaundice is possible, but during jaundice and what to eat and what not to eat jaundice is also important. We are often advised to avoid jaundice. Apart from this, it is advised by many people what should not be eaten in jaundice. During the treatment of jaundice, you should also pay special attention to the diet of jaundice. See here the foods for jaundice... Foods For Jaundice: During the treatment of jaundice, the doctor recommends eating certain foods according to the severity of the disease. In addition, the diet may vary depending on any underlying medical conditions. But there are some special food and beverages that can be included in the diet of jaundice patients. See here the foods for jaundice Water: In the case of jaundice or hepatitis B, the patient should consume a sufficient amount of water. The best way to help the liver recover from the symptoms of jaundice is that there is no lack of water in the bod...