Minerals for Hair Health - Not Many People Realise These Little Known Facts
While most people are now aware how important vitamins are for general health, many people are less aware of the importance of minerals. This is particularly so when considering the minerals that are needed for the healthy growth and condition of your hair. If you are concerned with premature hair loss, thinning or falling hair, you should find food for thought in this short article. Below is a list of the minerals recommended as important to maintain a healthy head of hair, and reduce the risk of hair loss and thinning hair. I compiled it while I was training to qualify as a nutritionist, and since then have added to it from further research on the Internet. Selenium Silica Iodine Iron Copper Calcium Magnesium Chromium Sulphur Potassium Manganese Some of these minerals work together with other minerals (synergistic relationships), and some pairs are antagonistic; so maintaining the correct relative balance is important indian food to lower creatinine level ,. Yes - vitamins are i...