What Foods Are Best For Weight Loss?

7 Best Green Tea for Weight Loss and Belly Fat Burner | Zerofatfitness
I am going to show you what foods are best for weight loss in the next few minutes. By the end of the article I hope you have a better understanding of the top fat busting foods.

I will start of with some actual fat burning foods for natural weight loss, as in the type that can raise your metabolism and burn more fat green tea lose weight 2 weeks.

So lets dive right into the list of fat burning foods:

Hot Peppers (the like of cayenne peppers and jalapenos)

Green Tea

Fish Oil

Hot Peppers: can slightly raise your metabolism due to something called capsaic, which is inside hot peppers. Now you should note that I used the word 'slightly', so do not expect any weight loss miracles here. But every little helps, right?

Green Tea: is another food (well drink actually) that can raise your metabolism to help burn more calories. As with the hot peppers, you get a slight increase but nothing that will have the fat melting of you. You need around 3-4 cups of green tea to get any effect of it. Green tea is very healthy as well, so fill your boots with the stuff. You can also use supplements if you wish.

Fish Oil: as with green tea; fish oil is not strictly speaking a food to eat (although you can eat fish). But none the less, it can raise your metabolism and burn extra calories. This is also very healthy to consume and is best supplemented. Because you would need to eat like a whale, to get enough fish oil for weight loss.

What Foods Are Best For Weight Loss?

The foods listed above are proven to directly raise your metabolism and burn fat. In truth though, all foods burn calories to some degree. This is because all food takes energy to be broke down and digested. This is something called the 'Thermic Effect Of Food'.

Some foods have a better thermic effect than others, which makes them great weight loss foods. It is the daily consumption of these super fat burning foods, that will give you the best results.

These best fat burning foods can all be categorised into one easy list, to make it easier to remember. (I'm all about make weight loss as simple as possible). This category that I am talking about is lean protein.


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