Best Foods For Jaundice Recovery

Jaundice increases the amount of bilirubin in the blood. Treatment of jaundice is possible, but during jaundice and what to eat and what not to eat jaundice is also important. We are often advised to avoid jaundice. Apart from this, it is advised by many people what should not be eaten in jaundice. During the treatment of jaundice, you should also pay special attention to the diet of jaundice. See here the foods for jaundice...

Foods For Jaundice:

During the treatment of jaundice, the doctor recommends eating certain foods according to the severity of the disease. In addition, the diet may vary depending on any underlying medical conditions. But there are some special food and beverages that can be included in the diet of jaundice patients. See here the foods for jaundice


In the case of jaundice or hepatitis B, the patient should consume a sufficient amount of water. The best way to help the liver recover from the symptoms of jaundice is that there is no lack of water in the body. Water not only helps to make digestion easier but it helps the liver and kidneys to flush out the toxic substances. Generally, people need at least 64 ounces or just 2 liters of water daily. Apart from this, people can also add 1 or 2 teaspoons of lemon juice per glass of water to maintain mouth taste during jaundice. This helps to increase their disease immunity tasty recipes for jaundice patients.


You can include fresh fruits and vegetables in the prevention of jaundice disease. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants and fiber. Which are helpful in reducing liver damage during metabolism. Also, these foods are also easy to digest. Almost all fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that promote liver health. But certain varieties of fruits and vegetables are very beneficial for a liver condition.

Whole Grains:

During treatment jaundice or hepatitis, B patients should take an adequate amount of whole grains. Whole-grain foods contain good amounts of healthy fats, fiber, antioxidants, and minerals. All these components are helpful in improving liver health. According to a 2013 study, people who regularly consume oats have improved liver health after 12 weeks. Because oats are beta-clean rich foods.


Naturally, the digestive enzymes help in reducing the level of bilirubin. You can get digestive enzymes from these things.

  • Orange 

  • Pineapple

  • Papaya

  • Mango


Soluble fiber helps the liver to get toxic substances out of the body and makes digestion easier. These important nutrients are found in various types of foods such as:





Whole grain 

High-fiber foods include:

  • Broccoli

  • Java Plum

  • Oatmeal

  • Almond

  • Brown rice

Try to have high fiber while eating. Men should try to eat 38 grams of fiber per day and women 25 grams of fiber.


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